HCNP Security eğitiminin ilk bölümü olan CISN kuru, kurumsal güvenlik sistemlerinin yapo taşı olan güvenlik duvarlarında kullanılan teknoloji ve protokollerin anlaşılmasını sağlar.
Kurs İçeriği:
Modül 1 - Advanced Firewall Device Management
Basic device management
Password Recovery
Modül 2 - Advanced Security Feature of Firewall
Traffic Limiting Policies of Firewall
Modül 3 - Firewall Reliability
IP-Link technology
BDF technology
Eth-Trunk technology
Link-Group technology
Bypass technology
Dual-System Hot Backup technology
Modül 4 - Virtual Firewall Technology
Virtual Firewall Overview
Virtual Firewall Technology Principles
Virtual Firewall Application
Modül 5 - Advanced VPN Applications of Firewalls
Review of basic concept VPN
Advanced Application of IPSec VPN
Application of L2TP over IPSec VPN
Comprehensive SSL VPN Applications
Modül 6 - Basic Attack Defense Technologies on Firewall
Overview of Network Attacks
Attack Defense Technologies Defense on Firewalls
Application of Attack Defense
Modül 7 - Anti-DDoS Technologies on Firewalls
Common Anti-DDoS Technologies
Anti-DDoS Solution Design
Networking and Configuration of the Anti-DDoS Solution
Modül 8 - Troubleshooting for Firewall Feature
Troubleshooting Method
Security Policy troubleshooting
Troubleshooting of Advanced Security Feature
Dual-System Hot Backup troubleshooting
L2TP VPN troubleshooting
IPSEC VPN troubleshooting
SSL VPN troubleshooting
HC12032 - CTSS - Constructing Terminal Security System
Yeni nesil güvenlik duvar (NGFW - Next Generation Firewall) özelliklerinden AppID (Application Identification), UTM özelliklerinden olan IPS, AV, URL Filttering ve DPI gibi teknolojilerin tanımlanması ve uygulanması CSSN kurunda anlatılmaktadır.
Kurs İçeriği:
Modül 1 - Overview of Content Security
Basics About Information Security
Background of Content Security
Overview of Content Security Technologies
Modül 2 - Intrusion Detection and Prevention Technology
Foundation of intrusion detection and prevention
Intrusion Detection and Prevention Technologies
Application of the Intrusion Prevention Technology - NIP
Application of the Intrusion Prevention Technology - UTM IPS
Modül 3 - Antivirus Technologies for Gateways
Basic Knowledge of Viruses
Virus Signatures and Common Tools for Detecting Viruses
Antivirus Technologies for Gateways
Application of Antivirus Technologies for Gateways
Modül 4 - WEB Filtering Technologies
Overview of Web Filtering
Website Filtering Technologies
Applications of Web Filtering
Modül 5 - Spam Filtering Technologies
Basic concepts of spam
Spam filtering technology
Anti-spam (RBL filtering) technology
Mail content filtering technology
Spam filtering technology applications
Modül 6 - DPI Technologies
DPI technologies Background
DPI Overview
DPI Applications
Modül 7 - Troubleshooting for UTM Features
IPS Fault Troubleshooting
AV Fault Troubleshooting
URL Fault Troubleshooting
RBL Fault Troubleshooting
DPI Fault Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting of Database updated
CCSI Nedir?: CCSI, Cisco Certified System Instructor, Cisco'nun yetkilendirdiği Proctor'lar tarafından düzenlenen iki günlük ICP Session sonunda başarılı olan katılımcılara vermiş olduğu yetkili eğitmenlik ünvanıdır. CLIGURU bünyesindeki Cisco Eğitimleri sadece CCSI ya da konularında uzman ve deneyimli eğitmenler tarafından verilmektedir.